CSR Activity

We need you society’ is a voluntary organization started in the year 1987 by group of engineers, doctors teaching professionals & social workers. The society has its spread in Thane city & Ghansoli. The We need you society works in the field of pre-primary education, encouragement to youth, orientation & educational support, upliftment of women. Trade courses for drop out students. We have our own center comprising of ‘ground & one upper floor’ admeasuring about 1500 sq. ft.
Target Group:
Children, Adolescents, youth, women, unemployed and other underprivileged and discriminated persons
- To work for education, empowerment, health and socio-cultural awareness amongst the needy through human and professional interventions.
- To provide support and opportunities for quality education to underprivileged children & adolescents (age 3 to 19 years) in Ghansoli.
- To facilitate livelihood opportunities amongst youth (age 20 to 30 years) in Ghansoli.
To provide supplementary education to about 25 children annually from 1st to 4th Std. so as to improve their overall academic performance (Impact indicators to be defined)
To provide educational support through E-Learning methods to the selected students (20 students annually) from 5th to 8th std. (Selection criteria and impact indicators to be defined)
To provide basic computer literacy for about 100 persons (annually) above 14 years of age (Selection criteria and impact indicators to be defined)
To run remedial education classes on English and Math for about 100 children from 8th to 10th std. during the last academic quarter
Livelihood :
To provide vocational training to all underprivileged individuals (about 150 individuals annually)
To provide practical inputs and counseling to the under-graduate and graduate students (about 100 students annually)
To enhance their employability through interventions in partnership with local organizations/ institutions. (Impact indicators to be defined)
To provide inputs for financial literacy among the adults associated with the organization (Impact indicators to be defined)